Monday, September 17, 2012


The technical innovation I will be discussing is the vocoder. The vocoder is an instrument designed to reproduce human speech by diagnosing how spectral characteristics change over a period of time. The vocoder recreates human speech by reversing the process by processing a broadband noise source. Then it passes through a stage that filters the content of the frequency based on the original set of numbers recorded.

 The vocoder has had a huge impact on the music industry. The first initial thought of creating a vocoder was in 1951 by Werner Meyer-Eppler, who was a German physicist, experimental acoustician and phoneticist. Throughout the years several people have worked to build vocoders. It was first used on a rock album titled, The Electric Lucifer by Bruce Haack back in 1969. It was later made popular by the electronic music group, Kraftwerk.

 The vocoder instruments have been used in the music industry for many decades. It is an instrument that supplies a special effect on songs as well as being the main instrument used on vocals. All types of vocoders have been made in television programs, movies and also video games have been created by a vocoder. Through the popular use of a vocoders and synthesizers a new genre of music was created called, Synthpop.

 The use of the vocoder has been an impactful tool on the music industry for many decades. It is an instrument that has allowed a genre of music to be created as well as been used to enhance and correct vocals. It has migrated from the music industry to films and television. It was even used on the voice of one of my favorite cartoon character, Transformers' Soundwave. As an engineer in the industry I have not had the pleasure of working on any projects that have involved using a vocoder. Hopefully in the near future I will be fortunate to work on a project where one is used.            

1 comment:

  1. I agree that the vocoder is definitely a big impact in the music industry. Not just the music industry but the movie industry can also use this tool to do a variety of things. I agree that it is not a bad instrument, I feel that if it's used in the right way it can be very flexible and accomplish a lot of things and it's something that isn't dying out any time soon.
